Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an e-visa in order to visit Ascension Island?
Yes, the majority of visitors to Ascension Island will require an entry e-visa.
There is no 'visa on arrival' facility.
Nationals of countries which require a visa to enter the UK who wish to enter Ascension Island may be required to show evidence of a multi entry UK visa valid for both outward and return journeys prior to receiving an Ascension Island visa. This requirement does not apply to those who are travelling to and from the Falkland Islands and will not be leaving the airhead. Non-military personnel residing in the Falklands who wish to visit family or friends on Ascension Island can do so via the SA Airbridge, subject to specific requirements and approvals, which can be found here. (
The type of passport you are holding is also important. It is important that you have sufficient validity on your travel document to cover your stay on Ascension Island, and in any case at least six months validity remaining at the point of entry to Ascension Island.
Subject to the exceptions listed below it is an offence to enter Ascension Island without a valid e-visa. A person who enters Ascension Island without permission may be refused entry and returned to the ship or aircraft on which they arrived, and required to leave Ascension Island. Please note all nationalities, including British Citizens, require e-visas except where exempted below.
The following categories of persons only are exempt from the requirement to hold an Ascension Island e-visa:
Exemption List
- Active members of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces; This means if you are a member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces you will not require a visa to enter Ascension Island, however it is advisable to notify the Ascension Island HM Forces Base Commander of your intentions to enter Ascension Island, and produce your valid HM Forces Identification Card on arrival.
- Persons in the service of the Crown in right of Her Majesty’s Government of Ascension; This means if you are employed by the Ascension Island Government on a local contract.
- Persons in the service of the Crown in right of Her Majesty’s Governments of the United Kingdom, of the Falkland Islands, or of St Helena, when visiting or working on Ascension Island in connection with their official duties; This means a Civil Servant who visits Ascension Island in connection in their official capacity. It is advisable to have an Identity Card or other proof of Official documentation on arrival.
- Persons in the service of the Government of the United States of America, or of a contractor of that Government, as provided for by Article XII of the Bahamas Long Range Proving Ground Agreement dated 25 June 1956. This means a US Military Service Person, US Government Official, a US Government Contractor i.e. Wolf Creek for the support of the Long Range Proving Ground.
- Persons in the service of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation when visiting Ascension Island in connection with their official duties; This means a NATO Official who visits Ascension Island in connection in their official capacity. It is advisable to have an Identity Card or other proof of Official documentation on arrival.
- Exempt dependants of the above; This means a person who is a spouse or long term partner and or a child under the age of 18 who is normally resident with a person described in subsections (2)(a), (c), (d) or (e) and in respect that the above person’s employer provides transport to Ascension Island, living accommodation, and repatriation. Note: This does not include dependants who are travelling with the exempt person for reasons not connected to work (e.g. for holiday/leave)7. Where a person arrives at Ascension as member of the crew of a ship or an aircraft under a commercial agreement with Her Majesty’s Government of Ascension, requiring him or her to leave on that ship or aircraft as a member of that crew, that person may without leave enter Ascension and remain until departure of the ship or aircraft on which he or she is so required to leave, unless that person has in the last 3 years been refused leave to enter Ascension and has not since been given leave to enter or remain on Ascension.
Where a person arrives at Ascension as member of the crew of a ship or an aircraft under a commercial agreement with Her Majesty’s Government of Ascension, requiring him or her to leave on that ship or aircraft as a member of that crew, that person may without leave enter Ascension and remain until departure of the ship or aircraft on which he or she is so required to leave, unless that person has in the last 3 years been refused leave to enter Ascension and has not since been given leave to enter or remain on Ascension.
- Such other persons or classes of persons as the Governor may from time to time, by notice in the Gazette, appoint.
Am I eligible to apply for an Ascension Island visa?
Please visit our 'Am I eligible for an e-visa?' page for a quick and easy assessment as to whether or not you can apply for a visa prior to travel to Ascension Island. Or see below:
Please note that it is currently Ascension Island Government policy not to issue e-visas to nationals of the following countries/territories: Belarus, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iran, Libya, Macau, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Taiwan, Ukraine, and Vietnam
It is your responsibility to ensure you are in possession of a valid e-visa at the point of arrival on Ascension Island.
Visa categories
There are seven e-visa categories. They are:
1) Visitor
2) Business
3) Scientific/Research visitor
4) Transit/Double Transit
5) Contractor
6) Employment
7) Employment Dependents and Accompanying Family
1) Visitor
This allows a single stay of up to a maximum of three months. E-visas will not be issued to the same individual for more than a cumulative total of 3 months’ duration in any 12 month period. A stay beyond three months is only granted in exceptional circumstances.
This condition is applicable for persons wishing to come to Ascension Island, visiting family and friends, for a general visit or awaiting your transport to another destination and period is longer than the seven days transit criteria. Employment is prohibited without the prior permission of the Administrator. The holder must present evidence of their medical insurance on arrival. The holders entry E-visa ceases to be valid if the holder leaves Ascension prior to the expiry date. The holder may arrive up to 72 hours after the start of the visa, and depart up to 72 hours after the stated departure date of the visa, as long as the circumstances relate to unforeseen changes, especially delays, in the schedules of the Airlink and MOD flight, and medical insurance remains valid.
2) Business
This allows a single stay of up to a maximum of two months.
This is applicable for persons wishing to visit Ascension Island to undertake short term business or to consult temporarily with one of the employing organisations based on Ascension Island. A Business Visit would include such activities such as - delivering training, auditing, inspecting, tendering. The holder must present evidence of their medical insurance on arrival. The holders entry E-visa ceases to be valid if the holder leaves Ascension prior to the expiry date. The holder may arrive up to 72 hours after the start of the visa, and depart up to 72 hours after the stated departure date of the visa, as long as the circumstances relate to unforeseen changes, especially delays, in the schedules of the Airlink and MOD flight, and medical insurance remains valid.
Short Term Business (for stays of 1 – 14 days validity)
To enable business representatives to visit Ascension Island as part of their work related activities for a period of 14 days or less. The requirement to register with the Director of Resources and pay income tax liability is waived for holders of this visa.
Long Term Business (for stays longer than 14 days)
To enable business representatives to visit Ascension Island as part of their work related activities. There is a requirement to register with the Director of Resources and pay income tax. Maximum period - 2 months.
3) Scientific/Research visitor
This allows a single stay of up to a maximum of three months. This is applicable for persons visiting Ascension Island to undertake scientific activities, research or conservation related activities. A short term extension may be possible on application. The holder must present evidence of their medical insurance on arrival. The holders entry E-visa ceases to be valid if the holder leaves Ascension prior to the expiry date. The holder may arrive up to 72 hours after the start of the visa, and depart up to 72 hours after the stated departure date of the visa, as long as the circumstances relate to unforeseen changes, especially delays, in the schedules of the Airlink and MOD flight, and medical insurance remains valid.
Before applying for a Business/Scientific/Research visitor e-visa you must have an approved Research Permit. This can be obtained from the Ascension Island Conservation Office by emailing:
for further information and an application form.
4) Transit/Double Transit
A Transit e-visa allows you to stay for seven days for each journey until you connect with the next available outgoing flight or Ship. Applications for longer than this should be described as Visitor - see above.
Double Transit - as for single Transit but where a return journey within 3 months of the first visit will involve a stopover of the maximum period of 7 days on Ascension Island.
The holder must present evidence of their medical insurance on arrival. The holders entry E-visa ceases to be valid if the holder leaves Ascension prior to the expiry date. The holder may arrive up to 72 hours after the start of the visa, and depart up to 72 hours after the stated departure date of the visa, as long as the circumstances relate to unforeseen changes, especially delays, in the schedules of the Airlink and MOD flight, and medical insurance remains valid.
5) Contractor
This allows a stay for the duration of the projected contracted for work and is specifically for off-island contractors who undertake projects on behalf of a local employing organisation - as listed below in the Employment section.
We offer 3 types of Contractor e-visas:
Contractor A - Single entry for a maximum period of 3 months;
Contractor B – Multiple entry for a maximum period of 6 months; and
Contractor C – Multiple entry for a maximum period of 1 year.
One of the conditions will be for the contractor (and any sub contractors) to make arrangements with the Collector of Taxes on arrival as to settlement of any tax liability under the Income Tax Ordinance. Another is that all contract work undertaken must comply with local employment legislation. The holder must present evidence of their medical insurance on arrival. The holder may arrive up to 72 hours after the start of the visa, and depart up to 72 hours after the stated departure date of the visa, as long as the circumstances relate to unforeseen changes, especially delays, in the schedules of the Airlink and MOD flight, and medical insurance remains valid.
Important: Contractors seeking an e-visa of any duration will be required to provide a police certificate at the time of application. No e-visa will be issued without receipt of a satisfactory police certificate. The police certificate, which will detail an applicant’s criminal record, if any, must have been issued within the preceding 6 months from the country of residence. We only accept a police certificate issued through the Association of Chief Police Officers Criminal Records Office (ACRO) (10 or 2 day service). We will not accept subject access requests, or DBS checks. For residents of St Helena or Falkland Islands, we will accept a St Helena / Falkland Islands issued criminal record check detailing all unspent and spent convictions.
6) Employment
This is only available for persons coming to Ascension to work on local employment contracts with one of the organisations listed below. It allows an employee and their qualifying dependants, once on island, to obtain an Employment or Accompanying Dependant Stamp from the Administrators’ Office and multiple entry stay linked to their end date of their contract.
List of employing organisations on Ascension Island |
Encompass Digital Media Services Ltd MITIE CSO Yang
Bank of St Helena Sure South Atlantic (Ascension Island) Naafi Seafish Chandlery Ltd Saints Members Club Diocese of St. Helena |
7) Employment Dependents and Accompanying Family
This is only for the spouse/partner/dependent children under the age of eighteen, of a person who is applying for or who already holds a condition or “Employment” and who holds an “Accompanied Contract Status” with one of the listed employers on Ascension, or with the Ascension Island Government (AIG).
Appropriate evidence will be required, such as the principal e-visa and confirmation of the accompanied status contract, or in the case of a dependent of an AIG employee – a letter of employment confirmation from AIG.
Important - How to apply.......
Please see below for the application procedure or use the appropriate detailed help sheet for your visa type
Business E-visa application help sheet
Contractor E-visa application help sheet
Employment dependant E-visa help sheet
Scientific/Research visitor E-visa application help sheet
Visitor E-visa application help sheet
Click 'Start Application'. You will be asked for an email address and you will need to choose a password. Once registered an email will be sent to you to confirm this.
Each applicant will need a separate application, for example a family of four will need to complete four applications - one for each person wishing to travel to Ascension. Each application can be completed using the same email username and password but each application must be fully completed before the next one is started. Once one is completed you will need to click 'Continue Application' to complete another application.
Please complete each step in order before moving on to the next stage/screen.
There are 6 stages in total:
1) Personal details
First name, surname, date of birth, home address etc
2) Passport details
Nationality and full passport details will be asked here. You will also need to upload a photograph here clearly showing your face (note: this does not have to be passport quality).
3) Visa required details
Visa type - selected from the drop down list, and arrival and departure dates - these dates will be the validity of your visa (and in the case of employment / employment dependent visas should match the employment contract dates). You will also be asked about your accommodation arrangements at this point.
Please complete the necessary boxes for each type of visa.
Business visit - will require a copy of your business invite or confirmation of what you intend to do, to be uploaded.
Scientific/Research visitor - will require you to have been issued a research permit by the Ascension Conservation Dept. You will need to upload a copy of this.
Transit/Double Transit - If your stay is for more than 7 days the system will prompt you to select the 'Visitor' visa option.
Contractor - You will need to upload a copy of your proof of contracted employment. You will need to select the Contractor visa suitable for your requirements - Contractor A is for a single visit up to 3 months - Contractor B is for multiple visits up to 6 months - Contractor C is for multiple visits up to 12 months. You will also be prompted to apply for an ACRO Criminal Records Certificate and given instructions where to forward this to.
Employment and Employment dependants and accompanying family - you will need to upload a copy of your offer of employment for each application. Arrival and departure dates should match contract dates.
4) Declarations
Please remember to answer all questions and tick the declaration box.
5) Review screen
This is a review of the information you have submitted, ensure it is all correct and you are satisfied before ticking the final declaration box.
If you wish at this point you can chose to fast track your application by ticking the relevant box.
You must now choose your method of payment, whether immediately on the next screen by bank card through the Sagepay system. This is the quickest and easiest form of payment.
By bank transfer into either AIG's UK Lloyds bank account or Bank of St Helena account. Full account numbers and sort code number is given on the payment screen.
Please select which form of payment you will make.
6) Payment
If you have selected Sagepay - you will be taken to the Sagepay website to make your payment. Once payment is taken you will directed back to the AIG e-visa website and a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you need to then make another application (for example for a child, partner or family member) you can do so by selecting 'continue application'.
If you have selected to pay by Bank transfer you will be taken to the payment information screen. Here you will need to enter the name of the visa applicant, select the bank to which you will make the payment, and add a reference – the applicant name and ‘visa’ will suffice. Also select the date that you will make the payment. Once you have submitted this information a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you need to then make another application (for example for a child, partner or family member) you can do so by selecting 'continue application'.
Using the Bank transfer method - the payment should be made as soon as possible after the application is completed. AIG will not process an application until payment has been confirmed by us.
If paying via bank transfer for multiple applications for the same visit - for example for a family visit, or a group of contractors or business visitors - one payment can be made to cover all.
How much does an e-visa cost?
There is a non-refundable fee for each application regardless of decision. The table below sets out the fees applicable.
The Standard fee applies to all applications made at least 14 days prior to the intended arrival date.
The Fast Track fee automatically applies to all applications made where the applicant wishes to arrive within a shorter period than 14 days from the date of the application, or if they wish for the application to be considered as a priority.
The Fast Track service is available where the applicant wishes to receive their decision quicker than the standard 21 days. We aim to assess all fast track applications within 14 days. Please note: Complicated cases, and incomplete applications may take longer, regardless of whether a fast track service has been selected.
Table of e-visa fees (with effect from 1st May 2017) Condition of Entry Standard *Fast Track Under 12’s |
Visitor |
£20.00 |
£30.00 |
£5.00 |
Single Transit |
£20.00 |
£30.00 |
£5.00 |
Double Transit (3 months validity) |
£30.00. |
£45.00 |
£5.00 |
Business Short Term Business (1 – 14 days validity) Long Term Business (longer than 14 days) |
£65.00 £35.00 |
£75.00 £55.00 |
N/A N/A |
Scientific/Research visitor |
£25.00 |
£35.00 |
N/A |
Contractor A |
£50.00 |
£75.00 |
N/A |
Contractor B |
£80.00 |
£120.00 |
N/A |
Contractor C |
£100.00 |
£150.00 |
N/A |
Employment |
£20.00 |
£30.00 |
N/A |
Employment - Dependant |
£10.00 |
£15.00 |
£10.00 |
Extension to Permit |
£10.00 |
£15.00 |
£5.00 |
Landing Fee A – 3 Day validity. Yachts and Ships arrivals. If a longer stay is required the Landing Fee is paid followed by an online E-Visa application immediately after arrival. |
£20.00 |
£5.00 |
Landing Fee B £10.00 - N/A (cruise ship passengers who are not formally leaving the ship, and intend a few hours of sightseeing only) |
*For those wishing to arrive within 14 days of application
Please Note: Only the standard fee will be collected from Private Yachtsmen and accompanying crew arriving by Yacht, and late applications made on compassionate or medical grounds.
By secure Sagepay card payment or by bank transfer at the end of the online E-Visa application process.
Bank account details for reference -
Lloyds Bank UK, Ascension Island Government, Sort Code 30-00-09, Account Number 02293999
or Bank of Saint Helena, Ascension Branch, Ascension Island Government, Account Number 62000012
For International Banking, BIC-LOYD GB21013 IBAN-GB12 LOYD 300009 02293999
Medical services on Ascension Island, insurance, personal liability & pre-existing conditions
Medical services
Medical facilities and specialisms are very limited on Ascension Island. All persons must be in possession of full medical and or travel insurance which is adequate to cover the period of stay on Ascension Island and to provide for all medical treatment on island and medical evacuation by air to your country of residence in case of emergency.
We request that you show evidence of your insurance details at the time of e-visa application, or if this is not possible, as soon as you have received your insurance documents from your insurer.
We reserve the right to request sight of your insurance document prior to granting an e-visa.
It is advisable for coverage of £1m. Specific policy cover for medical evacuation by air must be for a minimum of £500 000.
You must provide the Insurers name, the policy number, date of issue and expiry.
Proof of Insurance should also be produced at your point of entry in Ascension Island to the Immigration Officials; this should be in a policy document that has the relevant coverage details, name(s) of persons insured, policy number and period of coverage.
Please note: Credit cards or insurance brochures will not be accepted as proof of insurance.
Personal liability
You remain personally liable for the costs of all treatment (including medevac) that you receive on Ascension Island. The Ascension Island Government will not accept liability for any medical costs you incur. You will be billed for any medical treatment undertaken and you do not have recourse to public funds.
Pre-existing Conditions
Many Insurance companies specifically exclude cover for pre-existing medical conditions. Where such a condition gives rise for emergency medevac treatment the costs could exceed £150 000 for the air transfer alone. We recognise that many visitors to Ascension Island cannot personally afford the costs associated with medevac treatment. We therefore require all visitors who have pre-existing medical conditions to have insurance that covers these conditions.
You must declare whether you have any pre-existing medical conditions on the application form. You must also submit your insurance certificate and a letter from your insurance company confirming that they are aware of the pre-existing medical condition and that they are providing the necessary level of cover for this (Minimum £500 000).
What is a pre-existing medical condition?
A pre-existing condition is any health issues you’ve had medical assistance for, including consultations and medication, within the five years prior to your date of travel.
That includes chronic conditions or long-term treatment for an issue that might have been first diagnosed more than five years ago. A condition is pre-existing if you have experienced symptoms in the past five years, even if the actual condition was diagnosed before that period.
Failure to disclose a pre-existing condition
Exempt Visitor/ Transit
Dependants of Armed Forces and MOD Staff based in the Falkland Islands on R&R stays in Ascension Island are exempt from providing Medical Insurance.
How do I get to Ascension Island?
Ascension Island is accessible by air from South Africa via St Helena, by flying on the monthly service with SA Airlink. Tickets are sold directly by the Ascension Island Government.
The MOD have made available fifteen seats on each of the flights to and from Ascension and the UK, following the resumption of the Airbridge in May 2023 . The AIG manages the booking process. Flight bookings are accessible to staff working on Ascension, their dependents and visiting family and friends. The MOD will not permit transit bookings or those where Airbridge passengers intend to link visits to Ascension with travel to or from St Helena via the Airlink. Transit is allowed between Falklands and St Helena via Airbridge and Airlink flights. To request a booking or to make enquiries, please email or call on +247 67000, extension 1111. Booking forms are also available on the AIG website here. Tickets will be issued with flight details and baggage allowances.
If you are interested in visiting Ascension Island, please visit Ascension Island Government's - visiting the island page
Arriving by Yacht - Landing Permits
Those arriving by Yacht - should secure their e-visa prior to arrival on Ascension Island.
It is possible to request a 3 day Landing Permit on arrival.
If a longer stay than 3 days is required an e-visa needs to be applied for immediately on arrival.
Research vessels
Cruise ships
Entry permissions are normally arranged by your cruise company - Please confirm this with them before commencing a visa application. Or alternatively use the 'contact us' option for further guidance.
How will my criminal record affect my e-visa application?
The Ascension Island Government has a duty to protect Ascension Island, its residents and those living in or travelling to the island temporarily.
Historic criminality will not necessarily lead to an unsuccessful e-visa application.
All prior criminality including spent convictions, with the exception of minor road traffic offences should be declared at point of application. 'Minor road traffic offences' do not include alcohol or drug related driving offences which should be declared. The Administrator may make independent enquiries to verify the veracity of any statement made.
Applicants found to have concealed material facts about their criminal record may be denied an e-visa or have an e-visa which has been issued revoked and could face a penalty of a fine not exceeding £1000 or to imprisonment not exceeding 12 months or to both.
For those applying for a Contractor visa of any length a ACRO certificate (Association of Chief Police Officers Criminal Records Office) will be required for those who have resided in the UK, or a suitable Police Certificate from your home country.
In general terms, an offence which is 'spent' under the UK rehabilitation of offenders act is unlikely to prevent you from entering Ascension Island for a short term visit, however there are some exceptions to this regarding more serious crimes. In all other circumstances, declared criminality will result in assessment of your application prior to the grant or refusal of your e-visa application.
What contagious diseases do I need to declare in my e-visa application?
The following diseases should be declared in your e-visa application if you are currently suffering one or more of them, or if you have suffered from one or more of them within the 12 months preceding your expected arrival date on Ascension Island.
- Acute encephalitis
- Acute infectious hepatitis
- Acute meningitis
- Acute poliomyelitis
- Anthrax
- Botulism
- Brucellosis
- Cholera
- Diphtheria
- Enteric fever (typhoid or paratyphoid fever)
- Food poisoning
- Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS)
- Infectious bloody diarrhoea
- Invasive group A streptococcal disease
- Legionnaires’ disease
- Leprosy
- Malaria
- Measles
- Meningococcal septicaemia
- Mumps
- Plague
- Rabies
- Rubella
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Scarlet fever
- Smallpox
- Tetanus
- Tuberculosis
- Typhus
- Viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF)
- Whooping cough
- Yellow fever
What supporting documents should i submit with my e-visa application?
SECTION 1: Documents you must provide:
- A scanned photograph (see photo guidance FAQ).
- Medical insurance (unless exempt).
SECTION 2: Documents you may wish to provide to support your application
2A: If transiting landside for up to 48 hours:
- Your onward travel itinerary.
2B: If remaining on Ascension Island for 48 hours or more:
- Your onward travel itinerary.
- Information regarding your place of stay on Ascension Island.
- Business activities – where you are coming to on Ascension Island in order to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside of Ascension Island you should submit information regarding what you will be doing in here, including any letters from inviting organisations. For example:
- any business activities, e.g. letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting and details of any payment/expenses
2C: Under 18s – we strongly recommend you submit the following information otherwise it may delay consideration of your application.
- If travelling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent(s) you should provide:
- a signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you, and details of care and accommodation arranged on Ascension Island.
- a copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number if your parent(s) do not have a passport then you must provide another official document which bears their signature
SECTION 3: Documents you should not send unless specifically requested
- if you are applying as a family/group you do not need to provide multiple copies of the same documents
- bank statements or letters issued more than one year before the date of application
- full employment contract
- driving licence
- photographs (other than the scanned photograph required)
- notarial certificates
- business cards
- photocopies of bank cards
- credit card statements
- certificates relating to leisure activities
- evidence of car ownership
- sponsor’s utility bills
- educational certificates (unless specifically required in 2B)
SECTION 4: Translations
If you submit a document that is not in English, it must be accompanied by a translation that can be independently verified. This is particularly important for insurance documents - where it is necessary for us to verify the level and duration of cover.
Is there any guidance for the photo on my e-visa?
The photo should be a jpeg file and does not have to be a specific passport photo. Any photo which clearly shows your face is acceptable.
If the photo submitted does not clearly show your face we may contact you to request an alternative.
We do not accept: images surrounded by blank space; group photos or images from passport scans with holograms visible.
e-visa conditions
An e-visa may be issued, either unconditionally or with such conditions as The Administrator deems necessary. There are standard conditions attached to certain Ascension Island e-visas:
If you change employment, for example a new contract or to another employer, then another e-visa must be applied for.
Transit/Double Transit &Tourist:
You may not engage in any employment without seeking permission from the Administrator.
Scientific/Research Visitor:
You must have an approved Research Permit from the Ascension Island Conservation Office.
Please note: If these conditions are contravened, the e-visa may be cancelled without notice and future e-visa applications may be refused.
How long will it take to receive my e-visa?
We aim to determine 90% of e-visa applications within 21 days. Complicated cases can take longer but we aim to determine all applications within six weeks of application.
Incomplete applications are likely to result in slower determinations. Please read the guidance around supporting documents in this FAQs section to help ensure you provide a complete application.
issuance of e-visa
The authorised e-visa will be returned to the applicant via email, it will be in the form of a bar-code, and should be retained for presentation to the Immigration Officer on arrival on Ascension Island.
Refusal of e-visa
The Administrator reserves the right to refuse an e-visa for entry to Ascension Island. When they do so, a letter setting out the reasons is issued. The applicant has the right to appeal to the Governor.
Terms of Application
By submitting your application you agree and understand to the following;
- I must inform the Ascension Island Government if there is a material change to my circumstances, or any new information to my application becomes available.
- The Ascension Island Government (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have provided and documents I have submitted with this application.
- The Ascension Island Government (or a trusted third party) may also make reasonable checks on any person in connection with my application to verify statements contained in the application.
- Information provided by me will be handled carefully by the Ascension Island Government and data I provide will not be shared with any other person or authority without good reason.
- The Ascension Island Government is the data controller in relation to the information provided by me in this application form.
- The information I provide, including biometric data and our decision, will be treated in confidence, but it may be disclosed to other government departments, agencies, local authorities, foreign governments or law enforcement agencies, airlines, shipping companies and other bodies, to enable the Ascension Island Government or those bodies to perform their functions.
- Providing biometric information as part of an application is confirmation of consent to having biometric information checked by the Ascension Island Government to verify identity.
- The information provided by me may be also used for staff training purposes.
- My application will involve the transfer of my application and supporting documents to and from different countries.
- The fee payable is for an application processing and decision-making service, not the guaranteed delivery of an e-visa, therefore I will not be entitled to a refund should my application for entry to Ascension Island be refused or granted for a shorter period than I applied for.
- My e-visa application fee will not be refunded for any reason.
- The information provided by me, or information made available to the Ascension Island Government (or a trusted third party) during the processing of my application, may be shared with my sponsor(s), any person(s) acting on their behalf or any applicant linked to my application (for example to my spouse/partner) and persons or bodies names in the application or supporting documentation for the purpose of considering my application. I am aware that if there is any information I do not want the Ascension Island Government to disclose I will tell you by submitting a letter or email either as a supporting document or through the ‘contact us’ page. If such requests prevent the Ascension Island Government from making relevant inquires which may affect the decision, my application may be refused.
- My application is likely to be refused, or revoked, and I commit a criminal offence, if I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information. I may also be banned if I have breached immigration laws on Ascension Island, the UK or any other country. Should I use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information my details may be passed to relevant law enforcement agencies.
- I may be required to provide a record of my fingerprints and a photograph of my face (“biometric data”) as part of my application. If I refuse to do so, my application may be treated as invalid and, if so will not be considered further.
- I understand that providing biometric information as part of an application is confirmation of consent to having biometric information checked at the Ascension Island border to verify identity.
- If I fail to pay any debts incurred by me this could adversely affect future applications for e-visas or to entry to Ascension Island.
- I will not have recourse to public funds during my stay on Ascension Island .
- Unless the type of visa allows I am not entitled to receive medical and dental treatment free of charge on Ascension Island, and therefore may be billed for any treatment undertaken.
- Unless the type of visa allows I am not entitled to receive state-funded education whilst on Ascension Island.
- My details may, in certain circumstances, be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent and detect fraud and money laundering. I also understand that such agencies may provide Ascension Island Government with information about me.
- It is an offence under the Entry Control (Immigration) Ordinance to make a statement which I know to be false, or not believe to be true, in order to obtain an Ascension Island e-visa.
Extending a visa whilst on Ascension Island
Applications for an extension of a Condition of Entry must be made direct to the Administrator’s
Office at least 14 days prior to the expiry of the current visa.
Please Note: Applications made on Ascension Island for variation of an existing Condition of visa to another category will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.